Frankenstein Craft Idea for Halloween
I am a sucker for a good Halloween craft–especially a Frankenstein Craft. Call me creepy or cool…it’s up to you! So I created this ADORABLE Frankenstein craft template but knew it needed something more.
I quickly decided that a writing prompt would be the perfect addition, and because I’m a “punny” kind of girl I knew just what it had to be! This craft may have been inspired by my love of all things October, but the writing prompt was definitely inspired by this book. (Click the image to check it out!)
Before You Do the Craft
Be sure to read the book before you do the craft. And discuss the meaning of the word CRANKY. You could even work together to create a vocabulary bubble map and find synonyms for the word cranky.
Encourage students to make a text-to-self connection as they reflect on things that make them feel cranky. This response page is perfect for discussing various scenarios as a class or in a small group. Give children the opportunity to share more details and explain WHY something makes them feel cranky.
Writing Prompt with Organizer
There’s still just one more thing to do before you let children make the Frankenstein craft. Now that they understand what cranky means, it’s time to make that text-to-self connection.
Have children think of something that makes them particularly cranky. Let them use the organizer at the top of the page to record what makes them cranky and then have them share two details about it.
Then, let the children write about what makes them cranky on the writing template at the bottom of the page. This was the perfect time for a play on words…which I can never resist!
Frankenstein Craft for Halloween
Finally! It’s time for the fun stuff. Students love making this Frankenstein craft. They can personalize it and make it unique by adding a nose, a few scars, and as many teeth as they want.
The template is easy to copy on colorful Astrobrights paper. Or, for older students, you could make tracers/patterns and have them trace and cut the pieces out. You could even copy on white paper and let them color the pieces themselves.
Just look how adorable this Frankenstein craft is when it’s all assembled!
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